Maslow's Hierachy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierachy of Needs

Introduced decades ago in the year 943 in Abraham Maslow’s paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ there are levels that people first need to complete before they advance to the next level. Essentially the theory is about humans having a host of needs, and these must be met before they can move on towards others.

Finding out what motivates people

The American psychologist, Abraham Maslow saw human needs as a hierarchy. A manager in the workplace needs to see where the different personality types fit into the hierarchy and how to motivate each individual. People spend a lot of time at work so good relationships with colleagues can increase team morale. Team building can enhance a sense of belongingness. People who know and respect each other, collaborate better and produce better work.

Teambuilding reveals strengths and weaknesses in people

In the workplace a good manager needs to recognize that each person contributes something to the company. Not everyone is suitable for the jobs some people excel at. Then team building helps the manager discover the strengths and weaknesses of the team to ensure that each person fits into a niche. They will then feel at home in their particular niche and be respected for their contribution.

Everyone can better themselves

Maslow’s hierarchy is all about self improvement or personal development, offering a general idea of what people can use to better themselves. Physiological needs should be met before people attempt the other levels, with the goal of people being to complete the hierarchy levels in the right order of importance.